Dziesmas bez vārdiem/ Songs Without Words (Vinyl)
Raimonds Pauls, Toms Poišs, Māris Briežkalns, Sinfonieta Rīga
- 2023
Izdots: 01.01.2016
The world's most beautiful opera arias performed by Maestro Raimonda Paula, Latvian Radio big band and chamber orchestra "Sinfonietta Rīga" string group are collected in the music album "R. Paul | OPERA".
The music album features sixteen world-famous composers - G. Verdi, G... Puccini, V. A. Mozart, R. Wagner, G. Gershwin, V. Bellini, G. A. Rossini, etc. – the most famous opera arias.
The opera arias and melodies in the album were arranged by the British musician Callum Au