
Izdots: 01.01.2011


Maestro Raimonds Paul's musical tribute to the friend of his youth, the painter Leo Kokle or Rūkis, who passed away too early. Poet Liāna Ling wrapped the tribute in words, with the participation of writer Inga Ābele. The album is designed for the jazzy bohemia of the fifties... in an appropriate style. Reproductions of Leo Kokle's paintings are used in the design.

The songs were sung by Ieva Kerevits and Intars Busulis. Raimonds Pauls plays the piano, bass - Andris Grunte, guitar - Mārcis Auziņš, saxophones - Gints Pabērzs, percussion - Māris Briežkalns, keyboards - Raimonds Macats, backvocal Kristīne Tkačukas, Ieva Katkovska and Iluta Valtere.

The album was produced by Māris Briežkalns and it was recorded in the studio of Latvian Radio Studio 1.


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